Dino, the game.

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To download the Dino, the game software you have three options:

  1. Download a Windows executable (about 9KB). This will run on any 32 bit Windows system from Windows 95 (perhaps even Windows NT 3.x, but i do not have that) to Windows 10 and hopefully beyond!
  2. Download an archive with the DOS version (about 21KB). This should run on any DOS PC with an 8086 or later (though i didn't test it). It also contains the source code mentioned below.
  3. Download the Pascal source code. This can be compiled with Turbo Pascal (for old versions remove the $IFDEF NOCRT bits, including their content for TP3), Free Pascal or Delphi. For the latter, since it doesn't have a Crt unit, compile it with something like:


    The files do not contain any license information but consider it released under the public domain or, if you cannot do that, under the ISC license.