Dino, the game.

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A few Questions, following by an equal number of Answers:

  • Why did you make this?
    Dino, the game? For fun and i was bored. I also like making videos where i code small games, you can find some (among a lot of other unrelated videos) at my YouTube channel.
  • How about the site?
    I made it to try out Adobe PageMill 3. It was really an excuse for using the program, although i do have some other uses for it in mind.
  • Did you really buy PageMill?
  • But why?
    Uh, because i wanted to? I found some trial version, liked it and decided to see if it is available on eBay. Found a sealed (if a bit damaged) copy, ordered it and there it is.
  • But... it is old. And has no CSS. And it is, uh, proprietary...
    You know, i just got bored typing those and it starts looking like i can only come up with strawman-sounding arguments, so let's end it here, live and let live, etc, ok?

    And no CSS is a feature.