Dino, the game.

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Here is some information about what the game is about and how to play it. The goal in Dino, the game, is to navigate a maze, collect treasure, avoid traps and find the exit.

The thing is, there is a dinosaur in the maze too and it is of the human eating variety.

The game is played using a text based command interface (i wrote it over the course of a single hour long video, remember?) with commands such as listen, dig, wait, map, leave, etc. Using the help command the game can show you all of the available commands.

The two most important commands are map and listen, the former showing the map of the maze with the unexplored areas hidden and the latter telling you what your character can listen from the nearby areas.

The dig command is also important as this is how you find treasure, lose it by falling into water or even die by falling into lava.