LIL: A Little Interpreted Language ================================== 0. Contents ----------- 1. About 2. LIL syntax 3. LIL functions 3.1. Standard LIL functions 3.2. Command line interpreter LIL functions 4. Integrating LIL in C programs 4.1. Initialize LIL 4.2. Execute LIL code 4.3. Raise an error and obtain information about errors 4.4. Convert values between C and LIL 4.5. Register native functions 4.6. Other LIL library functions 4.7. LIL callback summary 4.8. Using LIL as a DLL 5. Integrating LIL in non-C programs 6. Contact 1. About -------- LIL (Little Interpreted Language) is a small C library in just a pair of .c and .h files which provide a compact yet very dynamic scripting language inspired by Tcl and the UNIX shell. LIL can be used in a wide range of situations, from simple configuration files to full extendability via scripting. The source code of LIL consists of a pair of .c and .h files (lil.c and lil.h) of ANSI C90 with some extensions from C99 (mostly the use of 64bit integers) which most modern compilers provide. The code has been tested to compile and work with the following compilers: * GNU C/C++ Compiler 3.x and 4.x * OpenWatcom C/C++ Compiler 1.9 * LLVM Clang * Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler 8.42n * Tiny C Compiler 0.9.25 * Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express (see below for older versions) * Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Express * Borland's free C/C++ Compiler 5.5.1 (needs special Makefile) It has been tested under the following platforms: * Windows x86, x86_64 (Desktop Mode) * Linux x86, x86_64 * Mac OS X (32bit and 64bit) * iOS * Android Users of older versions of Microsoft Visual C++ need to use a stdint.h file provided by external sources. A commonly used one stdint.h file for MSVC is Alternatively the global macro LILINT_INT64 can be used so that LIL will use __int64 for integers instead of stdint.h's int64_t. If the compiler doesn't use long long int nor __int64 for 64bit integers, then the global macro LILINT_CUSTOM must be defined and a type definition for lilint_t must exist before the inclusion of lil.h (including inside the lil.c file). As a side note, LIL has nothing to do with the "Little Implementation Language" for PDP (which i learned about months after i chose the name LIL for my library). Apparently that LIL was made during the same time as the UNIX system and the C language by P.J. Plauger. If you are interested in this historical language you can read about it here: 2. LIL syntax ------------- The syntax of LIL is very simple: the script is made up of "commands" and each command is a series of "words" separated by space, like: word1 word2 word3 ... wordn Words can be enclosed in quotes, double quotes and brackets which allow for special handling. Quotes and double quotes, for example, can be used to include spaces or special characters (by escaping them with the \ prefix as in C). Square brackets are used to call inline commands and substitute the inlined command with its result. Curly brackets are used to refer to a string without further processing (except counting the brackets inside them so that they can be nested). A dollar in front of a word will replace itself and the word with the value of the variable that has the same name as the word (or with nothing if there is no such variable). When LIL needs to execute a command, it looks for a function with the same name as the first word of the command. The function is executed using the rest of the words as its arguments (or parameters). For example the following command print hello fred will execute the function "print" using the two words "hello" and "fred" as the first and second argument. Using quotes one can combine the two words like print "hello fred" in which case LIL will execute the function "print" with the single word "hello fred" (note that a "word" in LIL can have any character, including spaces and even special characters by escaping them). Since the words are separated before LIL decides which is function and which not, technically you can use functions with spaces, like "hello fred" print which will execute the function "hello fred" with the single word "print" as its argument. In practice this should be avoided, at least for names that the script writer will use directly. As mentioned above the quotes can be used to escape characters, so you can write print "hello \"fred\"" An alternative would be to use the single quotes (to avoid the need of using the escape character for double quotes) like print 'hello "fred"' or use curly braces like print {hello "fred"} Curly braces aren't always an alternative to single and double quotes: unlike them, curly braces do not do any further processing (except to count the curly braces inside so they can know where they end). So this command print {hello \"fred\"} will include the \ character while this command print 'hello \"fred\"' will not because \" will be converted to ". Quotted strings can contain escape characters. These are characters which you either can't use or special characters you can't (or don't want) to type in the code. As shown above, an escaped character starts with the \ character (the "escape character") and followed by another character which defines which character will be inserted at that point. The escape characters LIL recognizes as special characters are b - inserts the backspace character t - inserts the horizontal tab character n - inserts the newline character v - inserts the vertical tab character f - inserts the formfeed character r - inserts the carriage return character a - inserts the bell character o - inserts the { character c - inserts the } character any other character will be included as-is without the \ character. For example the string "hello\nworld" will insert a newline character between "hello" and "world". The string "is this good\?" will be equal to the string "is this good?" and the string "hello \[world\]" will be equal to "hello [world]" (however LIL will not try to evaluate "world" as a command - see below). As mentioned above, square braces are used to replace (substitute) the command inside them with the result of that command. In LIL this is used to access the result of a function. As an example consider mathematical expressions: LIL does not have special expression handling. To use math you have to type the expression as one or more arguments to the "expr" function which will combine all arguments, parse the expression as a single string and return the result. So the command expr 4 + 4 will have the result "8". This result will not be shown anywhere - it is just the result of the command. To access this result you use the square brackets with some other command. For example to display the command with the print function use the expression inside the brackets like print [expr 4 + 4] this will print "8". Here LIL actually sees two words, not five: the first word is the "print" word and the second word is the result of the command inside the brackets: when LIL sees the brackets, it scans its contents for an inline command. Then it executes that command (which in turn might contain other inline commands) and considers the word as the executed command's result instead of the brackets' contents. Note that if you typed print expr 4 + 4 the word would be "print", "expr", "4", "+", "4" and the print function would simply display "expr 4 + 4" because without the square brackets there is not any special meaning for "expr". A very important function for LIL (beyond expr) is the "set" function. This function can be used to set values to variables. For example when you execute set foo bar you set the value of the "foo" variable to the string "bar". As you might have guessed if type set "foo bar" "moo mew" you will set the value of the "foo bar" variable to the string "moo mew": LIL can use any valid character as a name, as long as you can express it as a string. The set function can be used with zero or more arguments. For each pair, a variable named as the first word of the pair will be set to the second word of the pair. If there is an odd number of arguments, the result of the set function is the value of the variable that has the same name as the last word. So for example the command set name will have a result equal with the value of the variable "name" and thus the command print [set name] will print the value of the variable "name". Since accessing variables is something very common LIL provides a shortcut: a dollar in front of a word is the same as calling set with that word as a single argument. So the command above could be written as print $name Note two important things however: first, the name of the variable is NOT "$name". It is "name". The dollar is used as a shortcut for "[set name]". And second, it *really* is a shortcut: the "set" function will be called even if you don't type it (so if you override it, the overridden function will be called). You can also change the behavior of $ by setting another function to be called with "reflect dollar-prefix" (see section 3 for details). Remember the part about curly brackets above? Well, if you type print "hello $user" the result will be to display "hello " followed with whatever the value of the variable "user" is (so for example if "user" was set to "fred" the displayed string would be "hello fred"). However if you type print {hello $user} the displayed string will be "hello $user" because curly brackets really do not process whatever is inside. This can be used to define new functions because the function's code is, like anything else in LIL, a plain old string. And since you don't want to process that string's contents directly, you need curly brackets. The definition of a new function is done using the "func" function. This function accepts zero or more arguments (when zero arguments are given, the function does nothing and returns an empty string). When three arguments are given (the most common case) they are considered as the name the argument list and the code/body of the function. For example func foo {a b} { print $a $b } defines a function named "foo" with the argument list "a b" and as code the string "print $a $b". The argument list is a LIL list (a space separated list of words using similar rules as the separation of words for commands - which in turn can include other sublists but escaping their words, etc - with the exception that line breaks inside LIL lists are ignored instead of ending the current command, so LIL lists can be specified over multiple lines in the source code without needing an escape prefix) where each word in the list specifies an argument and the code is the code that will be executed when the function is evaluated. Before LIL evaluates a function, it stores in local variables with the same name as those specified in the argument list the arguments passed to the function in the same order as they appear in the argument list. So for example when evaluating the above function LIL will save the first argument passed to the function in "a" and the second argument in "b". If more arguments are given these are lost and if less arguments are given, the rest of the expected arguments are set to empty strings (so for example if "foo 32" is given the "b" variable will be an empty string). To use an unknown number of variables use the special name "args" as the only word in the argument list. LIL will store all passed arguments in the "args" argument as a list which you can access either directly or via the list functions (index, count, foreach, etc). For example: func foo args { foreach $args { print arg: $i } } which when used like foo apple orange cake will display arg: foo arg: apple arg: orange arg: cake (when the special "args" name is used, the first word in the list will always be the function's name) The "func" function can also be used with two or even one argument. This use allows the definition of anonymous (or actually, randomly named) functions. In the two arguments format, the first argument is the arguments list as previously and the second argument is the function's code. For example func {a b} { return [expr $a + $b] } returns an anonymous function which accepts two arguments and returns their sum. In the one argument format, the only argument is the function's code and the arguments are stored in the "args" variable as if you used the special "args" name. For example func { foreach $args { print $i is good } } returns an anonymous function which prints "... is good" for each one of the arguments LIL passes to it. So how are anonymous functions used? Remember the basic syntax of LIL word1 word2 word3 ... wordn and that that when LIL wants to execute the command the first word is the name of the function? Well, word1 is no different than word2, word3, etc and can be a variable reference too. So if you type set foo print $foo hello LIL will replace "$foo" with "print" as normal and then will execute the function "print" because that happens to be the first word. So you use anonymous functions in the same way: anonymous functions aren't really that anonymous but they have a generated name. That name is what "func" returns. So if you type set foo [func {a b} { return [expr $a + $b] }] print [$foo 3 2] LIL will define a randomly named function with the argument list "a b" and code "return [expr $a + $b]", set its random name to the "foo" variable and - in the next line - call it with the arguments 3 and 2 and pass the result to print which in turn will display it - "5". LIL itself does not require the use of anonymous functions, but they can be handy in more advanced scripts and situations. An example would be a function which returns another function which is composed using the arguments to the first function. When using functions you should keep in mind variable scope: variables are defined in global scope (visible and accessible from everywhere) and local scope. Local scope has variables defined from within the function itself. When you access a variable for reading it (like when using it with the dollar) LIL looks in the local environment (where the variables are stored) and then the global environment. When you use the "set" function to set the value of a variable LIL always look first in the local environment and if the variable isn't found, it looks in the global environment. If no variable is found, a new variable in the local environment will be created. To force a global variable to be set or created, put the special "global" word as the first argument to the set function, like set global level 32 which sets the value of the global variable "level" to "32". Functions that create variables always provide this special "global" first argument to force the assignment of global variables. Note that the use of "global" is only needed for code that runs from functions. Code that is executed outside a function always uses the global environment. To force a local variable, you need to create an empty local variable first by calling the "local" function, like local level set level 32 which first creates a local variable (even if a global with the same name exists) with an empty value and then it sets its value to 32 (since the set function first looks in the local environment, it will find the one just made and will ignore any variable that may be in the global one). The last note on LIL's syntax is word concatenation. This is really simple (and technically is not concatenation at all but it is easier to think it like this): if two words are not separated by space they are combined to a single word. So for example the command print "hello "world is made up of two words: "print" and "hello world". Similarly the command print "is it "[expr 3 + 2]? is made up of two words again: "print" and "is it six?". This happens because the "is it ", [expr 3 + 2] and ? parts are combined together and not separated by a space. LIL commands are separated by newlines (each command takes a whole line) or the ; character. For example, for LIL the code print hello ; print world is the same as print hello print world A single command can be broken into multiple lines by placing the \ character at the end of the line with at least a single space in front of it, like print hello \ world Finally you can put comments in the code using the # character. Any characters after # until the end of the line will be ignored by the LIL interpreter. To add multiline comments (comments that span multiple lines) use ## to begin the comment block and ## again to end it. For example print hello ## print how are you print i feel like i'm print going to take over the ## print world In the above example only the "hello" and "world" will be printed. Note that multiline comments apply only when two #s are following by a non-# character - for example the following comment is single-line: ### This is important! printf fail For more information and details on LIL's syntax, check the .lil example files that come with the source code distribution. And of course the C code itself is clean and compact which makes it easy to read and, if needed, modify. 3. LIL functions ---------------- 3.1. Standard LIL functions ---------------------- Here is a summary of the functions that LIL provides by default to all LIL scripts (in order of appearance in the lil.c file): reflect reflect information about the LIL runtime and the program reflect version returns the LIL_VERSION_STRING reflect args returns a list with the argument names for the given function reflect body returns the code of the given function reflect func-count returns the number of the known functions reflect funcs returns a list with all the known function names reflect vars returns a list with all the known variable names (includes global and local variables) reflect globals returns a list with all the known global variable names reflect has-func returns a true value (non-zero, non-empty value) if a function with the given name is known reflect has-var returns a true value (non-zero, non-empty value) if a variable with the given name is known reflect has-global returns a true value (non-zero, non-empty value) if a global variable with the given name is known reflect error returns the last error message or an empty string if there is no error condition active (this is usually used with the try function) reflect dollar-prefix [prefix] if [prefix] is specified, then this changes the dollar prefix. If no arguments are given, the current dollar prefix is returned. The dollar prefix is the command to be executed for dollar expansions (like $foo). The word after the dollar prefix is appended immediately after the prefix and the whole is executed. The default dollar prefix is 'set ' (notice the space which will separate the call to "set" from the word following) reflect this returns the code of the current local environment. This will return the currently executed function's body, the current root (top-level) code or the current catcher code (if the current environment is a catcher environment) reflect name returns the name of the currently executed function or an empty string if the code is executed at root level (or the name of the current function is unknown) func [name] [argument list | "args"] register a new function. See the section 2 for more information rename rename an existing function. Note that the "set" function is used to access variables using the $ prefix so if the "set" function is renamed, variables will only be accessible using the new name. The function returns the . If is set to an empty string, the function will be deleted unusedname [part] return an unused function name. This is a random name which has the form !!un![part]!!nu!!. The [part] is optional (if not provided "unusedname" will be used) quote [...] return the arguments as a single space-separated string set ["global"] [name [value] ...] set the variable "name" to the "value". If there is an odd number of arguments, the function returns the value of the variable which has the same name as the last argument. Otherwise an empty value is returned. See section 2 for details local [...] make each variable defined in the arguments a local one. If the variable is already defined in the local environment, nothing is done. Otherwise a new local variable will be introduced. This is useful for reusable functions that want to make sure they will not modify existing global variables write [...] write the arguments separated by spaces to the program output. By default this is the standard output but a program can override this using the LIL_CALLBACK_WRITE callback print [...] like write but adds a newline at the end eval [...] combines the arguments to a single string and evaluates it as LIL code. The function returns the result of the LIL code topeval [...] combines the arguments to a single string and evaluates it as LIL code in the topmost (global) environment. This can be used to execute code outside of any function's environment that affects the global one upeval [...] combines the arguments to a single string and evaluates it as LIL code in the environment above the current environment (the parent environment). For functions this is usually the function caller's environment. This can be used to access local variables (for read and write purposes) of a function's caller or to affect its flow (like causing a caller function to return). The function can be used to provide most of the functionality that other languages provide via the use of macros but at the program's runtime and with full access to the program's state downeval [...] downeval complements upeval. It works like eval, but the code is evaluated in the environment where the most recent call to upeval was made. This also works with topeval enveval [invars] [outvars] the will be executed in its own environment. The environment will be similar to a function's environment. If invars is provided, it is assumed to be a list with variable names to be copied from the current environment to the new environment. If outvars is provided, it is assumed to be a list with variable names to be copied from the new environment back to the current one (global variables will remain global). If invars is provided but not outvars, the variables in invars will be copied back as if outvars was provided with the same variable names. To make the variables "one way" (that is, to copy nothing back) just use an empty list for the outvars argument. From inside enveval both return and an immediate value can be used to return a value. Calling return will not cause the calling function to exit jaileval ["clean"] the will be executed in its own LIL runtime. Unless "clean" is specified, the new LIL runtime will get a copy of the currently registered native functions. The can use "return" to return a value (which is returned by jaileval) count returns the number of items in a LIL list index returns the -th item in a LIL list. The indices begin from zero (so 0 is the first index, 1 is the second, etc) indexof returns the index of the first occurence of in a LIL list. If the does not exist indexof will return an empty string. The indices begin from zero (so 0 is the first index, 1 is the second, etc) filter [varname] filters the given list by evaluating the given expression for each item in the list. If the expression equals to true (is a non-zero number and a non-empty string), then the item passes the filter. Otherwise the filtered list will not include the item. For each evaluation, the item's value is stored in the [varname] variable (or in the "x" variable if no [varname] was given). The function returns the filtered list list [...] returns a list with the arguments as its items append ["global"] appends the value to the variable containing the list (or creates it if the variable is not defined). If the "global" special word is used, the list variable is assumed to be a global variable slice [to] returns a slice of the given list from the index to the index [to]-1 (that is, the [to]-th item is not includd). The indices are clamped to be within the 0.. range. If [to] is not given, the slice contains all items from the index up to the end of the list subst [...] perform string substitution to the arguments. For example the code set foo bar set str {foo$foo} print [substr $str] will print "foobar" concat [...] substitutes each argument as a list, converts it to a string and returns all strings combined into one foreach [name] for each item in the list, stores it to a variable named "i" and evalues the code in . If [name] is provided, this will be used instead of "i". The results of all evaluations are stored in a list which is returned by the function return [value] stops the execution of a function's code and uses as the result of that function (note that normally the result of a function is the result of the last command of that function). The result of return is always the passed value result [value] sets or returns the current result value of a function but unlike the return function, it doesn't stop the execution. If no argument is given, the function simply returns the current result value - if no previous call to result was made, then this will return an empty value even if other calls were made previously. The result of this function when an argument is given, is simply the given argument itself expr [...] combines all arguments into a single string and evaluates the mathematical expression in that string. The expression can use the following operators (in the order presented): (a) - parentheses -a - negative sign +a - positive sign ~a - bit inversion !a - logical negation a * b - multiplication a / b - floating point division a \ b - integer division a % b - modulo a + b - addition a - b - subtraction a << b - bit shifting a >> b a <= b - comparison a >= b a < b a > b a == b - equality comparison or a != b a & b - bitwise AND a || b - logical OR a && b - logical AND inc [value] numerically add [value] to the variable "name". If [value] is not provided, 1 will be added instead dec [value] numerically subtract [value] to the variable "name". If [value] is not provided, 1 will be subtracted instead read reads and returns the contents of the file . By default LIL will look for the file in the host program's current directory, but the program can override this using LIL_CALLBACK_READ. If the function failed to read the file it returns an empty value (note, however than a file can also be empty by itself) store stores the value in the file . By default LIL will create the file in the host program's current directory, but the program can override ths using LIL_CALLBACK_STORE. The function will always return if ["not"] [else-code] if value evaluates to true (non-zero, non-empty string), LIL will evaluate the code in . Otherwise (and if provided) the code in [else-code] will be evaluated. If the "not" special word is used, the check will be reversed. The function returns the result of whichever code is evaluated while ["not"] as long as evaluates to a true (or false if "not" is used) value, LIL will evaluate . The function returns the last result of the evaluation of or an empty value if no evaluation happened (note, however that the last evaluation can also return an empty value) for the loop will begin by evaluating the code in normally. Then as long as the expression evaluates to a true value, the code in will be evaluated followed by the code in . The function returns the result of the last evaluation of char returns the character with the given code as a string. Note that the character 0 cannot be used in the current implementation of LIL since it depends on 0-terminated strings. If 0 is passed, an empty string will be returned instead charat returns the character at the given index of the given string. The index begins with 0. If an invalid index is given, an empty value will be returned codeat returns the character code at the given index of the given string. The index begins with 0. If an invalid index is given, an empty value will be returned substr [length] returns the part of the given string beginning from and for [length] characters. If [length] is not given, the function will return the string from to the end of the string. The indices will be clamped to be within the string boundaries strpos [start] returns the index of the string in the string . If [start] is provided, the search will begin from the character at [start], otherwise it will begin from the first character. If the part is not found, the function will return -1 length [...] the function will return the sum of the length of all arguments trim [characters] removes any of the [characters] from the beginning and ending of a string until there are no more such characters. If the [characters] argument is not given, the whitespace characters (space, linefeed, newline, carriage return, horizontal tab and vertical tab) are used ltrim [characters] like "trim" but removes only the characters from the left side of the string (the beginning) rtrim [characters] like "trim" but removes only the characters from the right side of the string (the ending) strcmp compares the string and - if is lesser than a negative value will be returned, if is greater a positive an if both values are equal zero will be returned (this is just a wrap for C's strcmp() function) streq returns a true value if both strings are equal repstr returns the string with all occurences of replaced with split [sep] split the given string in substrings using [sep] as a separator and return a list with the substrings. If [sep] is not given, the space is used as the separator. If [sep] contains more than one characters, all of them are considered as separators (ie. if ", " is given, the string will be splitted in both spaces and commas). If [sep] is an empty string, the is returned unchanged try [handler] evaluates the code in normally and returns its result. If an error occurs while the code in is executed, the execution stops and the code in [handler] is evaluated, in which case the function returns the result of [handler]. If [handler] is not provided the function returns 0 error [msg] raises an error. If [msg] is given the error message is set to otherwise no error message is set. The error can be captured using the try function (see above) exit [code] requests from the host program to exit. By default LIL will do nothing unless the host program defines the LIL_CALLBACK_EXIT callback. If [code] is given it will be provided as a potential exit code (but the program can use another if it provides a LIL_CALLBACK_EXIT callback). Note that script execution will continue normally after exit is called until the host program takes back control and handles the request source read and evaluate LIL source code from the file . The result of the function is the result of the code evaluation. By default LIL will look for a text file in the host program's current directory but the program can override that by using LIL_CALLBACK_SOURCE lmap [name2 [name3 ...]] map the values in the list to variables specified by the rest of the arguments. For example the command lmap [5 3 6] apple orange pear will assign 5 to variable apple, 3 to variable orange and 6 to variable pear rand returns a random number between 0.0 and 1.0 catcher [code] sets, removes or returns the current catcher code. The code can be used to "catch" calls of unknown functions and is executed inside its own environment as if an anonymous function without specified arguments was called. This means that the code can access the name and the arguments of the function call using the "args" list - however unlike anonymous functions which get a random name, the zero index of the args list contains the unknown function's name. The code can also use "return" to return some value. If the catcher code calls an unknown function, it will be called again - however to avoid infinite loops a limit on the nested calls to the catcher code is set using the MAX_CATCHER_DEPTH constant (which by default is set to 16384). This function can be used to implement small embedded DSLs in LIL code or provide some sort of shell (as in UNIX shell) functionality by delegating the unknown function calls to some other function/command handler (like executing an external program). If catcher is called with an empty string, the catcher code is removed and LIL will resume raising errors when an unknown function is called (which is the default behavior before any call to catcher is made). If catcher is called without arguments it will return the current catcher code. This can be used to temporary save the current catcher code when changing the catcher code temporarily. For example set previous-catcher [catcher] catcher {print Call failed: $args} # do something catcher $previous-catcher When using catcher for DSLs it is recommended to save the previous catcher. For an example of catcher with comments see the catcher.lil source file. watch [ [ ...]] [code] sets or removes the watch code for the given variable(s) (an empty string for the code will remove the watch). When a watch is set for a variable, the code will be executed whenever the variable is set. The code is always executed in the same environment as the variable, regardless of where the variable is modified from. 3.2. Command line interpreter LIL functions -------------------------------------- The functions shown below are only available to the command line LIL interpreter (the "lil" executable). writechar code writes the character defined by the given code (usually ASCII code) to the standard output system executes the system command defined by and returns the data placed in the command's standard output readline reads a string from the standard input until the end of file or end of line mark/character is found and returns it 4. Integrating LIL in C programs -------------------------------- To integrate LIL in C programs you have two options: 1. Use the liblil.a library (for Clang and GCC) or liblil.lib (for OpenWatcom) as a static library from your project, or 2. Put the lil.c and lil.h files directly in your project Whichever method you choose, the rest is the same. Please note that the LIL interface should not be considered as frozen at this point. The library is under constant development and might change. In the future a frozen API will be provided but even that will only be guaranteed to survive major versions. If you need a bit of extra performance, consider compiling lil.c with the LIL_ENABLE_POOLS macro defined. LIL_ENABLE_POOLS will enable value, list and environment object pooling which improves memory fragmentation and can increase more than 400% the execution speed. On the other hand, pools are global and this makes the library unsafe to use from multiple threads even if different threads use different lil_t objects. Also it relies on the runtime/OS to release the memory allocated by the pools and increases the total memory needed by LIL. For these reasons this optimization is disabled by default. Another macro you may want to enable is LIL_ENABLE_RECLIMIT which can be used to limit the number of recursive calls to lil_parse and in turn detect call stack overflows (e.g. unbounded recursive function calls). Since this really depends on the environment and host requirements, this macro is also disabled by default. To enable the call limit just set this macro to the maximum number of calls (e.g. 10000). This macro can also be useful when running LIL through a fuzzer such as AFL that can easily generate code that calls itself. 4.1. Initialize LIL -------------- You can have several "LILs" running: each one can be separate from the others and have its own definitions. A LIL runtime is stored in the lil_t C type that basically specifies an object. To construct a lil_t object use lil_new() and to destroy it use lil_free(). For example: lil_t lil = lil_new(); ... lil_free(lil); Before running LIL code you might want to override some of LIL's default functionality. This can be done using the lil_callback() function which has the following signature: void lil_callback(lil_t lil, int cb, lil_callback_proc proc) The cb is one of the LIL_CALLBACK_* constants defined in the lil.h file and the proc is a function with the same signature as the lil_callback_*_proc_t type defined in lil.h, casted back to lil_callback_proc_t. For example to define a callback for the "exit" function (something you probably want to do in most programs) use the following code void handl_exit(lil_t lil, lil_value_t arg) { ... } ... lil_callback(lil, LIL_CALLBACK_EXIT, (lil_callback_proc_t)handl_exit); 4.2. Execute LIL code ---------------- To execute LIL code use the lil_parse() function. This function has the following signature: lil_value_t lil_parse(lil_t lil, const char* code, size_t codelen, int funclevel) If 0 is given for codelen, LIL will simply use strlen for it. Funclevel should always be 1, unless the evaluated code is supposed to be executed inside the current environment. Setting funclevel to 1 will reset (clear) the breakrun flag (which is set by return to stop executing code in lil_parse, lil_parse_value and loops). The function will return a LIL value which must be released by calling lil_free_value(). The LIL value is the code's result. An alternative to lil_parse is lil_parse_value which can be used to parse code which is stored in a LIL value. The signature is lil_value_t lil_parse_value(lil_t lil, lil_value_t val, int funclevel) To call a LIl function directly you can use the lil_call function, which has the following signature: lil_value_t lil_call(lil_t lil, const char* funcname, size_t argc, lil_value_t* argv) When implementing a function that can loop code you may want to check if the code execution was interrupted - e.g. via a call to return - using the lil_break_run function with the following signature: int lil_break_run(lil_t lil, int dobreak) The function will return 0 if the execution wasn't stopped and any other value if it was. The dobreak parameter can be used to alter the break (interrupt) state for functions that want to do such an interruption themselves: a non-zero value will cause a break and zero will only return the current break status. 4.3. Raise an error and obtain information about errors ---------------------------------------------- You can raise an error (similar to an exception but all errors in LIL are "united" under the same umbrella - runtime errors, syntax errors, etc) using the lil_set_error() function which has the following signature void lil_set_error(lil_t lil, const char* msg) where msg is the message of the error. The LIL script can use the "try" function to catch the error or, if the error is not catched, the host program can use lil_error() to obtain information about it. The lil_error() function will return a non-zero value if there is an error message available. The signature of the function is int lil_error(lil_t lil, const char** msg, size_t* pos) the msg pointer will receive the error message and pos will receive the position where the message occured (note that the position is usually local to the executed command, not the whole script). 4.4. Convert values between C and LIL -------------------------------- LIL uses the lil_value_t type for its own values. To convert from C to lil_value_t you use the following functions: lil_value_t lil_alloc_string(const char* str) lil_value_t lil_alloc_double(double num) lil_value_t lil_alloc_integer(lilint_t num) Note that "alloc" here really means allocate: the values will allocate memory on the heap for their contents. You are responsible for releasing the memory using lil_free_value() with the exception of function results (see next). To convert a lil_value_t to a C type use one of the following functions: const char* lil_to_string(lil_value_t val) double lil_to_double(lil_value_t val) lilint_t lil_to_integer(lil_value_t val) int lil_to_boolean(lil_value_t val) You can also clone a value using lil_clone_value() and append characters at the end of existing values using one of the following functions: lil_value_t lil_clone_value(lil_value_t src) int lil_append_char(lil_value_t val, char ch) int lil_append_string(lil_value_t val, const char* s) int lil_append_val(lil_value_t val, lil_value_t v) Using the following functions you can manipulate LIL lists: lil_list_t lil_alloc_list(void) void lil_free_list(lil_list_t list) void lil_list_append(lil_list_t list, lil_value_t val) size_t lil_list_size(lil_list_t list) lil_value_t lil_list_get(lil_list_t list, size_t index) lil_value_t lil_list_to_value(lil_list_t list, int do_escape) the last function will convert a lil_list_t to a LIL value. Unless you are sure that escaping is not needed, you should always use a non-zero value for do_escape. The reverse can be performed with lil_list_t lil_subst_to_list(lil_t lil, lil_value_t code) and combining the two with lil_value_t lil_subst_to_value(lil_t lil, lil_value_t code) 4.5. Register native functions ---------------------------- To register a new function in LIL use the lil_register() function. This function has the following signature: int lil_register(lil_t lil, const char* name, lil_func_proc_t proc) and returns a non-zero value if the registration was successful. The native function must have the following signature: lil_value_t lil_func_proc(lil_t lil, size_t argc, lil_value_t* argv) where lil is the lil object that issued the function, argc is the number of arguments used and argv is an array of "argc" lil_value_t elements with the arguments passed to the function. The function must return a newly allocated lil_value_t object or NULL if the function returns nothing (or returns an empty string). An example: static lil_value_t fnc_hi(lil_t lil, size_t argc, lil_value_t* argv) { printf("Hi!\n"); return NULL; } ... lil_register(lil, "hi", fnc_hi); 4.6. Other LIL library functions --------------------------- Some other library functions are lil_var_t lil_set_var(lil_t lil, const char* name, lil_value_t val, int local) which can be used to set a variable to a value. local must be one of LIL_SETVAR_LOCAL, LIL_SETVAR_LOCAL_NEW, LIL_SETVAR_LOCAL_ONLY or LIL_SETVAR_GLOBAL. Usually you need LIL_SETVAR_LOCAL or LIL_SETVAR_GLOBAL. LIL_SETVAR_LOCAL_NEW will always allocate a new variable in the environment and should be used with lil_push_env() and lil_pop_env(). See lil.c for details on how to use these. LIL_SETVAR_LOCAL_ONLY will make sure that the variable is stored in the local environment and can be used to avoid name collisions between variables defined inside and outside functions. It should be used by functions that set their own variables to be used by the scripts (for example, foreach uses this to avoid name collisions between its index variable and the global environment). When in doubt, use LIL_SETVAR_LOCAL if the variable's name is provided by the script and the function is supposed to act on a variable, otherwise use LIL_SETVAR_LOCAL_ONLY if the variable name is decided by the function (with optional alteration of the name by the script, such as in foreach) and the variable is to be reused (so LIL_SETVAR_LOCAL_NEW is not a good candidate). lil_value_t lil_get_var(lil_t lil, const char* name) which can be used to return the value of a variable. Alternatively lil_value_t lil_get_var_or(lil_t lil, const char* name, lil_value_t defvalue) which will return "defvalue" if the variable is not found. These two will always use the "current" environment (which will be a local environment if the function is called from a native function callback for a native function called from a script function). lil_value_t lil_eval_expr(lil_t lil, lil_value_t code) which can be used to evaluate an expression like the "expr" function. lil_value_t lil_unused_name(lil_t lil, const char* part) which can be used to return an unused LIL name using the given part. Sometimes you need to associate some piece of data (like an object or a script name) with a LIL runtime. You can use the following functions to associate a pointer to a lil_t object and retrieve it: void lil_set_data(lil_t lil, void* data) which associates "data" with the given lil object and void* lil_get_data(lil_t lil) which returns the associated data with the given lil object. By default this will return NULL if no call to lil_set_data() is made. LIL can be used as a preprocessor inside another language and/or text in a similar way to how PHP is used to generate/preprocess HTML code using the lil_embedded like: char* lil_embedded(lil_t lil, const char* code, unsigned int flags) which returns the "code" with all embedded uses of LIL converted to the appropriate code. The embedded LIL code can access any function inside the given lil runtime and temporarily replaces the write and print callbacks to emit code that will be returned from the function. The flags argument is currently ignored but for forward compatibility it must be LIL_EMBED_NOFLAGS. As an example the text: Hello, will return "Hello, world!". The returned string must be released using the lil_freemem function: void lil_freemem(void* ptr) A native LIL function (or host program) can write to LIL's current output (which can be the standard output, a custom LIL_CALLBACK_WRITE callback or the internal buffer used in lil_embedded) using the lil_write function: void lil_write(lil_t lil, const char* msg) 4.7. LIL callback summary -------------------- Here is a summary of the LIL_CALLBACK_* constants for use with the lil_callback() function: LIL_CALLBACK_EXIT callback: lil_exit_callback_proc_t signature: void (lil_t lil, lil_value_t arg) called: when the LIL "exit" function is called LIL_CALLBACK_WRITE: callback: lil_write_callback_proc_t signature: void (lil_t lil, const char* msg) called: when the "print" or "write" LIL function or native lil_write function is called. It is expected to parse the newline character \n LIL_CALLBACK_READ: callback: lil_read_callback_proc_t signature: char* (lil_t lil, const char* name) called: to read the file "name" and return its contents LIL_CALLBACK_SOURCE: callback: lil_source_callback_proc_t signature: char* (lil_t lil, const char* name) called: to read the LIL source file "name" and return its code LIL_CALLBACK_STORE: callback: lil_store_callback_proc_t signature: void (lil_t lil, const char* name, const char* data) called: to store "data" in the file "name" as its contents LIL_CALLBACK_ERROR: callback: lil_error_callback_proc_t signature: void (lil_t lil, size_t pos, const char* msg) called: when an error occurs and is not handled LIL_CALLBACK_SETVAR: callback: lil_setvar_callback_proc_t signature: int (lil_t lil, const char* name, lil_value_t* value) called: when a non-existant variable is assigned in the global environment. If this returns a negative value, the assignment does not occur. If this returns a zero, the value originally to be written is assigned to the variable. If this returns a positive value, the value pointed by "value" is assigned. This can be used to override or cancel the assignment of a variable LIL_CALLBACK_GETVAR: callback: lil_getvar_callback_proc_t signature: int (lil_t lil, const char* name, lil_value_t* value) called: when a variable is to be read from the global environment. If this function returns a non-zero value, the value pointed to by "value" is used instead of the value that would be normally returned. Otherwise the original value is used LIL_CALLBACK_EMBEDDEDFILTER callback: lil_embeddedfilter_callback_proc_t signature: const char* (lil_t lil, const char* msg) called: only from inside lil_embedded whenever text is about to be written to the buffer that will be returned, can be used to provide additional filtering. It can return the same buffer as the one passed for no filtering or NULL to to not write the text at all 4.8. Using LIL as a DLL ------------------ The C code of LIL was not written to be used as a DLL, so keep that in mind when you decide to use LIL via a DLL. Using LIL as a DLL requires a couple of extra steps to be performed: * LIL itself and every code that includes lil.h must be compiled with the LILDLL conditional defined. This will cause all public functions to be marked as DLL exportable/importable and use the stdcall calling convention. Note that because by default if no LILDLL is defined the library will use the compiler's default calling convention you shouldn't mix LILDLL with non-LILDLL sources * The LILCALLBACK macro must be used for callbacks. For example this static lil_value_t fnc_hi(lil_t lil, size_t argc, lil_value_t* argv) must be changed to this static LILCALLBACK lil_value_t fnc_hi(lil_t lil, size_t argc, lil_value_t* argv) Under the "dll" directory there is an OpenWatcom project file which will create a lil.dll file you can use. Note that it is highly recommended to not mix different DLL versions. The LIL API and binary interface is not frozen and the DLL interface might change. 5. Integrating LIL in non-C programs ------------------------------------ It is possible to use LIL from non-C programs as long as a method to link against C is provided and the language supports the data types used by the public LIL interface (only data types are needed, the public interface does not use C structs). Currently under Windows it is recommended to use the DLL version of LIL built using the OpenWatcom project found under the "dll" directory of the LIL repository (although it might be possible to build a compatible version with MinGW or Visual C++, i have not checked this). While you can write the interface yourself, there are some prewritten interfaces which you can find at the Import LIL project at: Currently the following languages/environments are supported: * Visual C# / .NET 4 (will probably work under older versions, might work under Mono) * Free Pascal (and Lazarus) Check the above site for further and up-to-date information (might list other supported interfaces). 6. Contact ---------- Kostas Michalopoulos also see