Just Triangle Faces
JTF is a very simple binary file
format that contains enough information to display textured static
meshes. The file format is simply a triangle soup with position,
normal and texture coordinates. See below for the exact details.
You can download an archive with the latest version of JTF viewer and exporters for Blender from here: jtf20231113.7z (528KB). You need 7-zip or a compatible archive tool to open the file.
It contains the file format spec, a JTF viewer for Windows written in Lazarus, source code and project file for the viewer and export scripts for Blender 2.78 and 2.80 (the 2.78 script will work on 2.79 and the 2.80 script should work on later versions of Blender - tested to work with Blender 3.6.5).
A sample JTF mesh file is also included. The screenshot on the right shows the JTF viewer and the included mesh file
JTF file format:
The file has the following layout:
Offset | Description |
0 | Magic bytes 74, 84, 70 and 33 ('JTF!') |
4 | 32bit integer for vertex format (only 0 for now) |
8 | 32bit integer for face count |
12 | Triangle data (3*face_count vertices) |
The vertex format is:
Offset | Description |
0 | Three 32bit floats for the position |
12 | Three 32bit floats for the normal |
24 | Two 32bit floats for the texture coordinate |
Previous versions:
jtf20231101.7z (528KB)
jtf20161230.7z (491KB)